Friday, August 8, 2008

Note from the Author: Anticipate Technical Difficulties

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As you may or may not know, my wife is expecting our third child. Literally any day now. This is a cause for celebration, in general.

In the specific, it means that my update schedule is about to become extremely erratic. I promise you three updates a week, I will keep track. They might all end up on the same day. They will not be the usual Sunday-Wednesday-Saturday pattern.

My wife, who is hardcore, is coaching Special Olympics Soccer in a tournament this weekend and next as well, and I have to go with her in case of labour. And, labour is a possibility any day of the week at this point. Wish us luck, and I'll do my best to cram in writing between family responsibilities.




Sonja said...

Wow! I had no idea. Congratulations. :)

Also, just out of curiosity since I know your love of Superman, have you ever read Red Son? I read it today and found it rather intriguing. I'll probably re-read it soonishly, and I might even have ponderly thoughts on the subject.

Anonymous said...

Good luck to both you and your wife! Got someone to watch the kids on a moment's notice?

G.S. Williams said...

@ Sonja: I haven't read it yet, though I'm aware of its USSR related plot. I haven't actually bought Superman comics in ages, I try to keep my little obsession under control as much as possible. That way I don't go bankrupt. ;)

@ Katie: We've got a couple of friends we can count on in a pinch. Family's out of town, unfortunately, but things should go well. I'll keep you all posted. :)

Anonymous said...

That is wonderful news.
Best wishes for your wife and the child.
We will be happy with whatever updates come our way.
Get some sleep and rest whenever possible.


Allan T Michaels said...

Woo! Congrats! Sorry I'm so late to the party, but I've had my own technical difficulties this past week.

Be sure to let us know when the future blogger arrives! :)